A letter to VisionTek to OpenSource their 82GH 3G USB Modem dialler to support Voice calling, USSD codes and Sending/Receiving SMS on Linux
Device: http://www.visiontek.co.in/3g-2g-wireless-products/82gh.html
Developing a Linux Voice Dialler for VisionTek 82GH USB 3G modem
Hello VisionTek,
This is Anto Jose, a Linux developer + OpenSource consultant from Thiruvananthapuram.
As you know, the Linux dialler application that comes with the 82GH 3G USB modem, doesn't support Voice Calling and SMS/USSD facilities that the Windows version offers.
These features are some of the strongest selling points of your device.
And if we could bundle a Linux dialler GUI with all the features offered in the Windows app, your device will be a BIG HIT in the ever-growing Linux user base in the country and abroad.
But as you might already be aware of, creating and maintaining a piece of software is a big cost.
I invite you to
1. OpenSource your Windows app,
2. Start a new OpenSource project for your device(s)'s Linux app, and
3. Publish the way the app has to communicate to your device, so that anybody can write an app for your devices.
Doing this now would ensure that you get immediate access to a large pool of human-resource that is normally inaccessible to your HR department, and you will soon see various uses and applications for your device which you might never have even thought of before.
This is exactly the success path that various hardware products have already chosen.
(eg.: Try doing a Google search for "TP-LINK MR3020").
And you will see a great demand for your products, specifically the 3G USB modem, in the Indian as well as International markets.
I will be happy to assist you in your OpenSource endeavours.
Hoping to see a happy move from your side,
Happy Computing!!!
Anto Jose
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- M.K. Gandhi
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Adam Sand (not verified)
Thu, 10/10/2013 - 14:30
That's a nice service! Definitely, all its features are packed as one effective modem.
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